Ikon design and works
Ikon design and works
Design of the production,economic development,the social development, cultural interaction and individuals who aim to highlight the positive impact on quality of life Istanbul Design Biennia,urban design(regional planning region),architecture,interior design,industrial design,graphic design,fashion and textile design and new media design inc. the main design profession covers all creative fields such as design associated with this profession.All of the production of these fields, they aims to provide a means of innovative ideas and discourse and social interaction.
The importance of creativity and innovation with the acceleration of the economic and industrial development in Turkey is increasing.Istanbul is potential growing day by day and the multicultural nature,it is the local center of the creative industries and is rapidly becoming a global center. İstanbul and its surrounding geography arising from diffirent perspective,set out to enrich the belief formed the design discourse in the global context, Istanbul Design Biennial in Istanbul aims to participate in the last period , driven by innovative and creative work.
Tasarım (dizayn, İng. design) bir planın, bir nesnenin ya da bir inşa süreci içinde (mimarî çizimler, mühendislik çizimleri, iş süreci v.b.) meydana getirilmesine denir.
Tasarım (dizayn, İng. design) bir planın, bir nesnenin ya da bir inşa süreci içinde (mimarî çizimler, mühendislik çizimleri, iş süreci v.b.)